LED televisions have a half price more expensive than LCD. LED TVs use light emission diode (light emitting diode) television as a light source. LEDs use a diode to make a lot of vibrant and colorful image. The black color will be an advanced truly black, not dark gray, and color LEDs are more realistic than LCD televisions. LED TV has a 500,000:1 contrast ratio, refresh rate too high to help watch the show full of movement such as sports and movies.
LED Facts:
- The quality of color images of art
- Conserve energy-40 percent compared to LCD televisions of similar size
- Mercury-free design that is very thin
- Price LED TV about 20 to 30 percent more expensive
- Thick LED television about a third of thick LCD with the same size
- While the weight is usually half of the LCD
LCD Facts:
- Good-quality images, but images can appear 'burned' on display
- The price between $ 150-200 per year for the operation of an LCD
- Mercury is used in the manufacturing process
- Prices are cheaper than LED
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